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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


We offer services for all material groups in the following areas of materials science and engineering:

Metallography and microanalysis
  • Micrograph preparation
  • Light and electron microscopy (LiMi, SEM, FIB-SEM)
  • Digital image analysis
  • Chemical composition (EDX)
  • Computer tomography (CT)
  • X-ray diffraction (XRD)
  • X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF)
  • Infrared spectroscopy (IR)
  • Electrochemical corrosion testing
  • Salt spray test
Mechanical material testing
  • Hardness test
  • Tensile test
  • High-speed tensile test
  • Fatigue test, uniaxial and multiaxial
  • Low to very high cycle fatigue (LCF-VHCF)
  • Temperature and corrosion fatigue
  • Torsion, rotating bending and alternating bending test
  • Efficient test procedures and statistical evaluations
  • Electro-mechanical, Servo-hydraulic, resonance and ultrasonic testing systems
  • Furnaces, temperature, climate and corrosion chambers
Metrological material condition monitoring
  • Extensometer, video extensometer
  • Digital image correlation (DIC)
  • Camera and thermal camera systems
  • Direct current and alternating current potential probes
  • Barkhausen noise
  • Eddy current testing
  • Acoustic emission
  • High-frequency impulse measurement
Evaluation of damage evolution and tolerance
  • Influence of defects on local properties (Effects of defects)
  • Process-structure-property-damage interactions
  • Determination of performance capability and (remaining) service life
Mechanism-based material modeling and simulation
Consulting on material selection and application
Failure analysis

In addition to research and development (R&D) contracts, we offer acceptance tests and expert opinions.

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