Mr. Daniel Kotzem receives the "DVM-Juniorpreis"2020
- WPT news
Mr. Daniel Kotzem has received the “DVM-Juniorpreis“ award for his talk with the title “Failure mode map prediction for Ti6Al4V sandwich panels made by electron beam powder bed fusion (E-PBF)“ within the 5th Conference of the DVM Working Group “Additiv gefertigte Bauteile und Strukturen“ (04-05 Nov. 2020). Mr. Kotzem investigated the mechanical properties and the specific failure mechanisms of electron beam melted Ti6Al4V sandwich panels, and thereby adapted an analytical model in order to predict the dominant failure mode as a function of the geometrical dimensions of the core and the face sheet by means of a failure mode map.
The “DVM-Juniorpreis“ award was developed in 2011 and is given to young scientists under 30 years, who presented an outstanding talk within a DVM working group. The award is supposed to the excellent work and motivates for a further engaged research in the future.