CES-sponsorship award of the VDI 2023
- WPT news

On May 24th, 2023, Ms. Hanigah Kanagarajah, M.Sc., received the CES-sponsorship award of the VDI at the meeting of the VDI-Freundeskreis in the Industry-Club Düsseldorf for her master’s thesis at the Chair of Materials Test Engineering on the topic “Evaluation of the performance of micromagnetic test methods for the property characterization of metastable austenitic steel X2CrNi18-9 during flow forming“.
Also Mr. Lukas Vogel, M.Sc., received the CES-sponsorship award for his master’s thesis at the Institute of Machining Technology titled “Investigation of the microfinishing process for specific adjustment of the properties of rotationally symmetric functional surfaces“.
For the first time both prize winners are from TU Dortmund University.