Microstructure-based understanding of the test frequency influence on the corrosion fatigue behavior of austenite AISI 304L joints brazed with nickel based filler metal
Novel test systematics for the characterization of corrosion-fatigue-behavior of brazing joints
The operational behavior of brazed constructions in exhaust gas carrying components is significantly influenced by the corrosion fatigue behavior of the brazed joins. Within this research project, a mechanism-based characterisation of the test frequency influence on the corrosion fatigue properties of austenite joints, brazed with two nickel based filler metals, is planned. The aim is a microstructure-based understanding of the influence of the frequency- and time-dependent corrosion on the deformation and damage mechanisms. Furthermore, a damage model for an efficient characterization and prediction of the frequency- and time-dependent corrosion fatigue behavior of brazed joints in exhaust gas condensate will be developed.
Duration: 2015 until 2021