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Lectures and exams
- Angewandte Werkstofftechnik
- Lab work - MMT
- Fatigue Behavior (FB) - MMT
- High-performance materials for fusion technology
- Measurement Engineering (ME) - MMT
- Messtechnik
- Mikroskopie und Mikroanalytik (MM)
- Nachhaltige Werkstoffe und Prozessketten
- Schwingfestigkeit (SF)
- Werkstoffe der Verkehrs- und Medizintechnik (WVM)
- Werkstoffprüfung für Ingenieure*innen (WI)
- Zerstörende Werkstoff- und Bauteilprüfung (ZWP)
- Projects
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- News
- Topics
- Process Control
Lightweight Structures
- Characterization of formed internal Al and CuZn threads
- All-Cellulose Composites
- Characterization and application of hardwood
- Fast forward fatigue characterization
- High temperature resistant titanium aluminides
- Climate adaptive architectural elements
- Corrosion fatigue of lasered Al-CFRP hybrids
- Damage mechanisms of recycled aluminum chips
- Wear-resistant aluminum-matrix composites
- Biomaterials
- Corrosion and Hydrogen
Completed (archive)
- SPP 2086: Surface conditioning in BTA deep-hole-drilling
- Corrosion fatigue resistant steels
- Resource-efficient bast fiber composites
- Corrosion fatigue of ZnAl coating systems
- Extrusion of aluminum chips
- SPP 2013: Residual stresses in disc springs
- Mechanism-oriented separation process for composites
- Thermoplastic based hybrid laminates
- Carbon polyurethane composites
- Fatigue of deep hole drilled samples
- Fatigue of high strength steels
- Damage tolerant Ni-based lattice structures
- Creep and ratcheting resistant magnesium alloys
- Corrosion fatigue of brazed joints
- Mechanism-based modeling of fatigue damage
- Characterization of formed internal Mg and Al threads
- HCF and VHCF of Al-Si-Mg cast alloys
- Computed tomography-based fatigue life estimation
- SPP 2122: Innovative alloying concepts
- Cottonid
- Spk timber
- Weathering structural steel
- FSW-Fatigue
- SchwingStAl-K.O.
- Corrosion fatigue behavior of creep-resistant Mg alloys
- Fatigue life of SLM manufactured Al alloys
- AEM for precise in-line monitoring and quality control
- MOEWE - Multi Mega Watt from Offshore Wind Energy
- Aluminum chips
- Laboratory equipment
- Presentations
- Publications
- Dissertations
- Awards
- Research data management
- Industry
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