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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of Metallic Materials (Lab Work)

Please register for the Moodle-Course. The password will be published in the first lecture.




  • The number of students is limited to 20. (10 persons from MMT-Students and 10 persons from M.Sc. MB-Students)
  • The registration has to take place by students themselves in moodle-room in the period of – 26/09/2024 9:00 a.m. to 09/10/2024 9:00 a.m.
  • The lab work is organized for master students.
  • A current certificate of study is required to be sent by Steffen Sowka, which can be downloaded from the BOSS system.


The Lecture “Fatigue and fracture behavior of metallic materials (Lab Work) – MMT” enables the students to gain comprehensive knowledge about materials testing and the corresponding measurement technology. The focus of the course is on mechanical hardness, tensile and fatigue tests, such as opical emissions spectrometry. The course consists of five appointments and additional self-study conected with a report. The registered students will be divided into groups (each group consists of up to 5 persons) in the 1st appointment (kick-off), and the tests will be coordinated with the participants. For this reason, it is necessary to participate in the kick-off event. First, the students inform themselves about the theory of the experiments in self-study (literature, further sources). The practical experiments will be conducted in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th appointment. The required files and information for the evaluation of the experiments will be provided in Moodle after this date. The results will be presented by each group in a final report (paper style) and a finale presentation in the 5th appointment. Finally, a scientific discussion will take place about the evaluated data.

* the concept of the course is in English, but the final presentation can be in German or English.